Thursday, 10 May 2012

 Book Day Learning Log...
Book day came to school and we were all very excited but we became even more enthused about the day when we saw each others learning logs.

Our activity this week was to create a character profile about the character we would be dressing up as. 

The two logs that we really liked had a lot of information included but it was also presented in a fun and interesting way, an newspaper article and a wanted poster.

Thursday, 3 May 2012

 Life Cycle Learning Log

Our Learning logs this week gave us the opportunity to look at life cycles. We really like these two logs as they really caught our eye for showing and explaining to us the beauty of life cycles.

Thursday, 26 April 2012

 Wacky Olympic Facts

This week we started our topic - The Olympic Games. 

Our first log was wacky facts from previous games.

We found a lot of facts but also created some wacky logs. One of these logs has a pop up Olympic flag and the other has Olympic rings...made from biscuits!

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Our Favourite Learning Log...

This week we focused on Alternative Energy. We found so much information and therefore found it hard to pick the most important. 

We liked this log because it selected important information, presented it in an interesting way and then helped us remember it by providing a 'Can you HELP me quiz?'

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

 Our Favourite Learning Logs - Maths

Last week we had Maths day so our log task was all about maths! We had so much varied information this week it was hard to pick just two for this blog.

We really liked this Learning Log because the information provided was delivered in a fun and exciting way, it had a riddle by Einstein, a song, a puzzle and lots more.

This Learning log also had lots of information however it was presented in a different way, a mind map. Everything was clear and easy to remember.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

 Our favourite Learning Logs this week. Life on Mars?

Every week we will pick our favourite Learning Logs and tell you why we selected them.

We like this Learning Log because the title is nice and clear, the information answers the title and we also loved the Mars' dust!

We selected this Learning log because she added extra information by adding paper and presenting a letter style format to answer the title question.

This Learning was selected as it is the most improved in style and information.

Monday, 5 March 2012

Learning Logs Term Two...

Our topic in our second term was Space, so every single Learning Log was linked to it. These are just a few of our favourite topics and Logs.

We decided on ten people we would take to Mars if we needed to start a new community.

We designed our own Space Stations, which we later developed using google sketch up.

Friday, 2 March 2012

 Learning Logs - Term One

Our topic was weather in Term One so all of our Learning Log Activities linked to the topic in some way. 

Here are some of the learning logs that we thought were remarkable!
 Extreme Weather - Hail
 Climate around the world
 Extreme Weather - Ice Storms
 Gases - Our Science topic
Weather Reporting

What is your favourite about each Log?
 Our First topic based Learning Log...

As a class we decided what our first topic Learning Log would be. We wanted to pick a topic we knew a lot about, could show off our knowledge with, research more information and be linked to us!

We decided that the topic would be on a culture. We picked our culture or a culture that interested us. We thought of some areas we could cover as a class to give us a starting point such as; food, dress, art, homes etc.  but some of us clearly went above and beyond this as you can see.

 Learning in different ways...

Looking at each Learning Log we realised that we learn in different ways and this would be evident in our log each week. Everyone was excited about focusing on different elements of a topic that interested them!

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Starting our Learning Logs...
This is the First task in our Learning Logs. We had to carry out a mini project on what learning means to us. This was a really good start for understanding Learning Logs. When we shared our logs with the rest of the class we created a success criteria on what each log should include.

Learning Log Success Criteria
Each week, I will use two pages in my learning log.
I will decide what I need to remember about the topic given and include only that.
*I can write, draw or stick in things into my learning log.
I will try to have a balance of writing and images  50-50.
I will  make sure the task addresses the title. 
Researched information will be explained in detail.
Each log will be colourful and neat.
I won't include work that  has been copied.
 My learning log is a place to reflect on my learning and be creative!
I will try to have high expectations of myself whenever I work on my learning log and I will always try to do my best.